Changho Han

Postal address: Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Email address: changho (dot) han (at) uwaterloo (dot) ca
Office: MC 6457

About me: I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Waterloo. My research is primarily in algebraic geometry. In particular, I am mainly interested in geometric and arithmetic properties of moduli spaces, and also interested in enumerative problems. See my research statement for more details on my mathematical interests.

Starting Fall 2024, I will move to Korea University as an Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track).

I got PhD degree in Mathematics at Harvard University. My graduate advisor is Joe Harris.

I was a Limited-Term Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia.

Here is my CV.

Papers and preprints


I have taught the following at the University of Waterloo:

I have taught the following at the University of Georgia:

I have taught the following courses at Harvard: